Ph.D. Students
- O. Karatalay, “Energy-Efficient Synchronization and Resource Allocation Strategies for Device-to-Device Communications," McGill University, Sept. 2016 – April 2022 (in co-supervision with Prof. I. Psaromiligkos, ECE, McGill).
- H. Li, “Physical Layer Network Coding in Multi-Way Relay Channels,"Sept. 2015 – Nov. 2021 (in co-supervision with Prof. X.-W. Chang, School of Computer Science, McGill).
- A. Morsali, “Hybrid Analog/Digital Signal Processing for mmWave Massive-MIMO Communications," McGill University, Jan. 2016 – March 2021.
- A. A. Abouelfadl, “Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Cognitive Radar Systems," McGill University, Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2019 (in co-supervision with Prof. I. Psaromiligkos, ECE, McGill).
- J. Yang, “Multi-User MIMO Relay Transceiver Optimization: Robust, Energy-efficient and Secure Design Approaches," McGill University, Sept. 2012 – Aug. 2018..
- H. Chung, “Speech Enhancement using Training-Based Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Techniques," McGill University, Sept. 2013 – July 2018 (in co-supervision with Prof. E. Plourde, ECE, Sherbrooke University).
- S. Yousefi, “Network-based RF Localization in Adverse Propagation Environments," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill, Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2015 (in co-supervision with Prof. X.-W. Chang, School of Computer Science, McGill).
- R. Abdolee, “Diffusion LMS Strategies for Distributed Adaption in Sensor Networks," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2009 – July 2014 (in co-supervision with Prof. Ali H. Sayed, Elec. Eng., UCLA).
- S. Rahimi, “Oversampled Perfect Reconstruction Filter Bank Transceivers," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept 2008 – March 2014.
- F. Shang, “Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Impulse Radio UWB Localization Systems," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2008 – Oct. 2013 (in co-supervision with Prof. I. Psaromiligkos, ECE McGill).
- C. Zhao, “Optimal Transceiver Design for Non-Regenerative MIMO Relay Systems," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept 2008 – Oct. 2013.
- N. Ehtiati, “Dual Domain Echo Cancellation for Discrete Multi-Tone Systems," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Jan. 2004 – March 2011.
- C.-C. Tu, “Subspace-Based Blind Channel Estimation and Tracking for MIMO-OFDM Systems," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2006 – July 2010.
- E. Plourde, “Bayesian Short-time Spectral Amplitude Estimators for Single-channel Speech Enhancement," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2004 – Oct. 2009.
- W. Chu, “Auditory-Based Noise-Robust Audio Classification Algorithms," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2003 – Aug. 2008.
- F. Duplessis-Beaulieu, “Multicarrier Transceivers Using DFT Filter Banks with Perfect Reconstruction Property," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2002 – July 2008.
- B. Pelletier, “Group-Based Approaches to Space-time Multiuser Detection in WCDMA," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, May 2002 – Oct. 2007.
- F. Jabloun, “Perceptual and Multi-Microphone Signal Subspace Techniques for Speech Enhancement," McGill University, Sept. 1999 – Oct. 2004.
- X. Lu, “Acoustic Echo Cancellation over Nonlinear Channels," Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 1999 – Jan. 2004.
- P. Pango, “Fast SVD-Based Subspace Tracking Algorithms with Applications in Array and Image Processing," Ph.D. Thesis, INRS-Telecom., Sept. 1995 – Feb. 2000.
- A. Stéphenne, “Study of 2D-RAKE CDMA Receivers in Wireless Communications: Vector Channel Simulation and Blind Adaptive Algorithms," Ph.D. Thesis, INRS-Telecom., Sept. 1994 – Nov. 1999.
Master Students
- B. Liu, “Extraction of Orthogonal Speaker Embedding for Text-Independent Speaker Verification,” M.Eng. Non-Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2020 – April 2022.
- Y. Zhao, “Voice Activity Detection Using Attention-Based Complex Ideal Ratio Mask and Transformer-Based Deep Neural Networks,” M.Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2019 – Aug. 2021.
- G. Wang, “Subspace-Based Algorithms for Channel Estimation in Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems,” M.Eng. Non-Thesis Option, McGill University, Jan. 2020 – Aug. 2021.
- S. Khare, “An All-Analog Structure for AF Relaying in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems,” M.Eng. Non-Thesis Option, McGill University, May 2020 – April 2021.
- F. Faraji, “On the Use of Audio Fingerprinting Features for Speech Enhancement with Generative Adversarial Network,” M.Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Jan. 2018 – Nov. 2020.
- A. Poulin, “A Genetic Algorithm for Channel Estimation in Switched-Based Hybrid Analog/Digital mmWave Massive MIMO Systems,” M. Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2017 – March 2020.
- N. Kaur, “Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Channel Tracking in mmWave Beamspace Massive MIMO,” M.Eng. Non-Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2018 – Nov. 2019.
- A. Saad, “Efficient Group-Sparse Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Relaying in C-RAN,” M. Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2015 – Oct. 2018 (in co-supervision with Prof. I. Psaromiligkos, ECE, McGill).
- D. Kebiche, “UFMC-Based Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios in Non-Gaussian Noise,” M. Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, May 2015 – Aug. 2017.
- R. Razani, “Speech Enhancement Using a Reduced Complexity MFCC-Based Deep Neural Network,” Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2014 – Nov. 2017.
- N. Badra, “Robust and Secure Beamformer Design for MIMO Relaying with Imperfect Eavesdropper CSI,” M. Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2014 – Oct. 2016 (in co-supervision with Prof. I. Psaromiligkos, ECE, McGill).
- D. Tétreault-La Roche, “A Study of Distributed Pulse-Based Synchronization for Device-to-Device Communication,” M. Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2014 – Oct. 2016 (in co-supervision with Prof. I. Psaromiligkos, ECE, McGill).
- V. Mani, “Speech Enhancement in Modulation Domain Using Codebook-Based Speech and Noise Estimation,” M. Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2013 – Feb. 2016.
- T. Su, “Adaptive Semiblind Channel Estimation for OFDM/OQAM Systems,” M. Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2013 – Aug. 2015 (in co-supervision with Prof. X.-W. Chang, School of Computer Science, McGill).
- G. Ghodoosipour, “A Codebook-Based Modeling Approach for Bayesian STSA Speech Enhancement,” M.Eng. Thesis Option, McGill University, Sept. 2011 – March 2014.
- T. Yunhao, “Subspace Method for Blind Equalization of Multiple Time-Varying FIR Channels,” McGill University, M.Eng. Thesis, Sept. 2009 – Feb. 2012.
- A. Vakili, “Adaptive Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Jan. 2010 – Oct. 2011.
- K. Hossain, “Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios in the Presence of Correlation Between Subband Occupancy,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2008 – Aug. 2010.
- B. Gao, “Computationally Efficient Approaches for Blind Adaptive Beamforming in SIMO-OFDM Systems,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept 2006 – March 2009.
- G. Smecher, “Discrete-time Crossing-Point Estimation for Switching Power Converters,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2006 – Oct. 2008.
- B. Kwun, “Robust Beamforming for Collaborative MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2005 – July 2007.
- P. Kechichian, “On the Partial Haar Dual Adaptive Filter for Sparse Echo Cancellation,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2004 – July 2006.
- J. F. Marceau, “Low-complexity Echo Cancellers for DMT-based Asymmetric DSL Transceivers,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2002 – July 2005.
- W. Kang, “Subspace-Based Blind Channel Estimation: Generalization, Performance Analysis and Adaptive Implementation,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2001 – Aug. 2003.
- F. Duplessis-Beaulieu, “Fast Convolutive Blind Speech Separation via Subband Adaptation,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Sept. 2000 – Aug. 2002.
- B. Pelletier, “Estimation of Transmission Line Parameters for Equalization of High-speed Data Radio,” M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Jan. 2000 – April 2002.
- R. Kerkoud, “A Modified Fast Affine Projection Algorithm Based on Subspace Tracking,” INRS-Telecommunications, 1998 – 2000.
- T. Khun, “Voice Activity Detection Algorithms for Use in Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation Systems,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1996 – 1999.
- E. Diamantopoulos, “Analysis and Design Principles of an Intelligent Microphone Array System for Video-conferencing,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1997 – 1999.
- M. Ghanassi, “On the Fixed-point Implementation of a Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation System,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1997 – 1999.
- C. T. Huynh, “Subspace Tracking with Modified PROTEUS Algorithms and Rank Detection,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1995 – 1999 (part-time).
- M. Arar, “An Adaptive Filtering Structure with Reduced Complexity for Multiphonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1995 – 1998.
- F. Caron, “On the Use of the FNTF Algorithm in Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1994 – 1997.
- D. Paiement, “Real-time Angle of Arrival Estimation of a Signal at a Microphone Array,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1993 – 1996.
- Stéphenne, “A Cepstral Technique for Time Delay Estimation in a Reverberant Environment,” INRS-Telecommunications, 1992 – 1994.
- S. Bédard, “Time Delay Estimation in Reverberant Environments via Adaptive Pre-filtering and Generalized Correlation,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1991 – 1993.
- J. An, “Realization of the Generalized Sidelobe Canceler via Two-dimensional Orthogonal Transformations,” M.Sc.A., INRS-Telecommunications, 1991 – 1993.