Journal Papers
- S. Norouzi, B. Champagne, and Y. Cai, "Joint Optimal Design of User Clustering, Beamforming, and Power Allocation for NOMA," IEEE Trans. on Communications, Accepted Nov. 2022.
- M. A. Maleki Sadr, and B. Champagne, "Joint Channel Estimation and Robust Beamforming Design for AF Relaying Using IMM Kalman Filters," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, accepted Aug. 2022.
- S. Shi, Y. Cai, Q. Hu, B. Champagne, and L. Hanzo, "Deep-Unfolding Neural-Network Aided Hybrid Beamforming Based on Symbol-Error Probability Minimization," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Accepted Aug. 2022.
- O. Karatalay, I. Psaromiligkos, and B. Champagne, "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for D2D-Assisted Fog Computing," IEEE Trans. on Green Communications, accepted July 2022.
- A. Morsali, A. Haghighat, and B. Champagne, "Deep Learning-Based Hybrid Analog-Digital Signal Processing in mmWave Massive-MIMO Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 72348-72362, July 2022.
- Y. Wang, X. Chen, Y. Cai, B. Champagne, and L. Hanzo, "Channel Estimation for Hybrid Massive MIMO Systems with Resolution-Adaptive ADCs," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 70, pp. 2131-2146, March 2022.
- H. Xu, F. Ding, and B. Champagne, "Joint Parameter and Time-Delay Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Time-Series Models," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp. 947-941, Feb. 2022.
- M. Hasannezhad, H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "PACDNN: A Phase-Aware Composite Deep Neural Network for Speech Enhancement," Speech Communication, vol. 136, pp. 1-13, Jan. 2022.
- M. A. Maleki Sadr, J. Gante, B. Champagne, G. Falcao, and L. Sousa, "Uncertainty Estimation via Monte Carlo Dropout in CNN-based mmWave MIMO Localization," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp. 269-273, Nov. 2021.
- Z. Lin, M. Lin, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu, and N. Al-Dhahir, "'Secrecy-Energy Efficient Hybrid Beamforming for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 69, pp. 6345-6360, Sept. 2021.
- S. Norouzi, Y. Cai and B. Champagne, "Energy-Efficient User Clustering and Downlink Beamforming for MIMO-SCMA in C-RAN," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 115175-115191, Aug. 2021.
- Z. Lin, M. Li, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu, N. Al-Dhahir, "Secure Beamforming for Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks with Unknown Eavesdroppers," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 15, pp. 2186-2189, June 2021.
- Y. Attabi, B. Champagne and W.-P. Zhu, "DNN-Based Calibrated-Filter Models for Speech Enhancement," Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 40, pp. 2926-2949, June 2021.
- M. Hasannezhad, Z. Ouyang, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "Speech Enhancement with Phase Sensitive Mask Estimation using a Novel Hybrid Neural Network," IEEE Open J. of Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 136-150, March 2021.
- Z. Lin, M. Lin, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Secure and Energy Efficient Transmission for RSMA-based Cognitive Satellite-Terrestrial Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, pp. 251-255, Feb. 2021.
- O. Karatalay, I. Psaromiligkos, B. Champagne and B. Pelletier, "A Distributed Pulse-Based Synchronization Protocol for Half-Duplex D2D Communications," IEEE Open J. of the Communications Society, vol. 2, pp. 245-261, Jan. 2021.
- S. S. Hosseini, B. Champagne and X.-W. Chang, "A Green Downlink Power Allocation Scheme for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 6498-6512, Dec. 2020.
- H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "Speech Enhancement Using a DNN-Augmented Colored-Noise Kalman Filter," Speech Communication, vol. 125, pp. 142-151, Dec. 2020.
- Y. Cai, F. Cui, Q. Shi, Y. Wu, B. Champagne, L. Hanzo, "Secure Hybrid A/D Beamforming for Hardware-Efficient Large-Scale Multiple-Antenna SWIPT Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 68, pp. 6141-6156, Oct. 2020.
- J. Yang, A. Saab, A. Morsali, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, "Energy-Efficient Group-Sparse Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Relaying in C-RAN," IEEE Trans. on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 4, pp. 703-716, Sept. 2020.
- Y. Cai, K. Xu, A. Liu, M. Zhao, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, "Two-Timescale Hybrid Analog-Digital Beamforming for mmWave Full-Duplex MIMO Multiple-Relay Aided Systems," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, pp. 2086-2103, Sept. 2020.
- H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu, Z. Ouyang and B. Champagne, "A Hybrid Speech Enhancement System with DNN Based Speech Reconstruction and Kalman Filtering," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, pp. 32643-32663, Aug. 2020.
- W. Zheng, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Shen and B. Champagne, "Padded Coprime Arrays for Improved DOA Estimation: Exploiting Hole Representation and Filling Strategies," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 68, pp. 4597-4611, July 2020.
- H. Abdzadeh-Ziabari and B. Champagne, "Signal Detection Algorithms for Single Carrier Generalized Spatial Modulation in Doubly Selective Channels," Signal Processing, vol. 172, 13 pages, July 2020.
- M. Zhao, Y. Cai, M.-J. Zhao, B. Champagne and T. A. Tsiftsis, "Improving Caching Efficiency in Content-Aware C-RAN-Based Cooperative Beamforming: A Joint Design Approach," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, pp. 4125-4140, June 2020.
- A. Morsali, A, Haghighat and B. Champagne, "Generalized Framework for Hybrid Analog/Digital Signal Processing in Massive and Ultra-Massive-MIMO Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 100262-100279, May 2020.
- S. S. Hosseini, J. Abouei, B. Champagne and X.-W. Chang, "A Novel Cooperative HARQ Protocol for Free-Space Optical Broadcasting Systems," IEEE J. of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, pp. 1789-1799, April 2020.
- X. Chen, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, M. Zhao, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, "Efficient Resource Allocation for Relay-Assisted Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, pp. 2452-2468, March 2020.
- X. Chen, Y. Cai, L. Li, M. Zhao, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Latency-Sensitive Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, pp. 2246-2262, Feb. 2020.
- A. A. Abouelfadl, I. Psaromiligkos and B. Champagne, "Covariance-Free Nonhomogeneity STAP Detector in Compound Gaussian Clutter Based on Robust Statistics," IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, vol. 13, pp. 2107-2119, Dec. 2019.
- H. Li, X.-W. Chang, Y. Cai and B. Champagne, "Efficient Detection Scheme for Physical-Layer Network Coding in Multiway Relay Channels," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 167639-167652, Nov. 2019.
- A. Morsali, S. S. Hosseini, B. Champagne and X.-W. Chang, "Design Criteria for Omnidirectional STBC in Massive MIMO Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, pp 1434-1439, Oct. 2019.
- L. Lu, Z. Zheng, B. Champagne, X. Yang and W. Wu, "Self-Regularized Nonlinear Diffusion Algorithm Based on Levenberg Gradient Descent," Signal Processing, vol. 163, pp.107-114, Oct. 2019.
- S. Vahidian, S. Hatamnia and B. Champagne, "On the Security Analysis of a Cooperative Incremental Relaying Protocol in the Presence of an Active Eavesdropper," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 181812-181828, Sept. 2019.
- Y. Ji, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "Recurrent Neural Network-Based Dictionary Learning for Compressive Speech Sensing," Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 3616-3643, Aug. 2019.
- Y. Chu, B. Champagne and W.-P. Zhu, "NOMA-based Cooperative Relaying for Secondary Transmissions in Cognitive Radio Networks," IET Communications, vol. 13, pp. 1840-1851, Jul. 2019.
- J. Shi, Z. Yang, H. Xu, M. Chen and B. Champagne, "Dynamic Resource Allocation for LTE-Based Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Networks," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, pp. 5017-5030, May 2019.
- Y. Cai, Y. Xu, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, "Robust Joint Hybrid Transceiver Design for Millimeter Wave Full-Duplex MIMO Relay Systems," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, pp. 1199-1215, Feb. 2019.
- Y. Ji, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "Speech Enhancement Based on Dictionary Learning and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 4936-4947, Jan. 2019.
- Y. Cai, X. Wu, R. De Lamare, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, "Low-Complexity Reduced-Dimension Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Navigation Receivers," IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, pp. 3160-3168, Dec. 2018.
- L. Lu, H. Zhao and B. Champagne, "Diffusion Total Least-Squares Algorithm with Multi-Node Feedback," Signal Processing, vol. 153, pp. 243-254, Dec. 2018.
- Y. Cai, C. Zhao, Q. Shi, G. Y. Li and B. Champagne, "Joint Beamforming and Jamming Design for mmWave Information Surveillance Systems," IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, pp. 1410-1425, July 2018.
- L. Lu, H. Zhao and B. Champagne, "Distributed Nonlinear System Identification in α-Stable Noise," IEEE Signal Processing Letter, vol. 25, pp. 979-983, July 2018.
- R. Guo, Y. Cai, M. Zhao, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, "Joint Design of Beam Selection and Precoding Matrices for mmWave MU-MIMO Systems Relying on Lens Antenna Arrays," IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 12, pp. 313-325, May 2018.
- H. Chung, R. Badeau, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Training and Compensation of Class-Conditioned NMF Bases for Speech Enhancement," Neurocomputing, vol. 284, pp. 107-118, April. 2018.
- S. Yousefi, X.-W. Chang, H. Wymeersch, B. Champagne and G. Toussaint, "A Novel Approach for Ellipsoidal Outer-Approximation of the Intersection Region of Ellipses in the Plane," Computational Optimization and Applications, vol. 69, pp. 383-402, March 2018.
- R. Abdolee, V. Vakilian and B. Champagne, "Tracking Performance and Optimal Adaptation Step-Sizes of Diffusion-LMS Networks," IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems, vol. 5, pp. 67-78, March 2018.
- A. Baghaki and B. Champagne, "Joint Frequency Offset, Sampling Time Offset and Channel Estimation in OFDM/OQAM Systems," EURASIP J. on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2018:4, 19 pages, Jan. 2018.
- K. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Yang, B. Champagne and J. Wei, "A Weighted Combining Algorithm for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO DF Relaying Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 65, pp. 4751-4764, Nov. 2017.
- L. Zhang, Y. Cai, M. Jiao, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, "Nonlinear MIMO Transceivers Improve Wireless Powered and Self-Interference-Aided Relaying," IEEE Trans on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, pp. 6953-6966, Oct. 2017.
- A. Morsali, A. Haghighat and B. Champagne, "Realizing Fully Digital Precoders in Hybrid A/D Architecture with Minimum Number of RF Chains," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, pp. 2310-2313, Oct. 2017.
- X. Zhai, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, M. Jiao, G. Y. Li and B. Champagne, "Joint Transceiver Design with Antenna Selection for Large-Scale MU-MIMO mmWave Systems," IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, pp. 2085-2096, Sept. 2017.
- Y. Cai, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and G. Y. Li, "Joint Transceiver Designs for Secure Downlink Communications over an Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay", IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 65, pp. 3691-3704, Sept. 2017
- M. Parchami, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "Model-Based Estimation of Late Reverberant Spectral Variance using Modified Weighted Prediction Error Method," Speech Communication, vol. 92, pp. 100-113, Sept. 2017.
- J. Yang, B. Champagne, Y. Zou and L. Hanzo, "Centralized Energy-Efficient Multiuser Multiantenna Relaying in Next-Generation Radio Access Networks," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, pp. 7913-7924, Sept. 2017.
- L. Zhang, Y. Cai, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, "Nonlinear Transceiver Design for Secure Communications with Artificial Noise-Assisted MIMO Relay," IET Communications, vol. 11, pp. 930-935, May 2017.
- H. Chung, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Gaussian Mixtures and Masking Model for Speech Enhancement," Speech Communication, vol. 87, pp. 18-30, March 2017.
- M. Parchami, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "Speech Dereverberation Using Weighted Prediction Error with Correlated Inter-Frame Speech Components," Speech Communication, vol. 87, pp. 49-57, March 2017.
- S. Hatamnia, S. Vahidian, S. Aissa, B. Champagne and M. Ahmadian-Attari, "Network-Coded Two-Way Relaying in Spectrum Sharing Systems with Quality-of-Service Requirements," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, pp. 1299-1312, Feb. 2017.
- M.-M. Zhao, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, M. Hong and B. Champagne, "Joint Transceiver Designs for Full-Duplex K-Pair MIMO Interference Channel with SWIPT," IEEE Trans on Communications, vol. 65, pp. 890-905, Feb. 2017.
- X. Wu, Y. Cai, M. Zhao, R. C. de Lamare and B. Champagne, "Adaptive Widely-Linear Constrained Constant Modulus Reduced-Rank Beamforming," IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53, pp. 477-492, Feb. 2017.
- J. Yang, Q. Li, Y. Cai, Y. Zou, L. Hanzo and B. Champagne, "Joint Secure AF Relaying and Artificial Noise Optimization: A Penalized Difference-of-Convex Programming Framework," IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 10076-10095, Nov. 2016.
- Y. Cai, M.-M. Zhao, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, "Joint Transceiver Design Algorithms for Multiuser MISO Relay Systems with Energy Harvesting," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 64, pp. 4147-4164, Oct. 2016.
- F. Cui, M. Zhao, Y. Cai and B. Champagne, "Low-Complexity Factor-Graph-Based MAP Detector for Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems," J. of Communications and Information Networks, vol. 1, pp. 10-22, Oct. 2016.
- M.-M. Zhao, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and M.-J. Zhao, "Robust Transceiver Design for MISO Interference Channel with Energy Harvesting," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 64, pp. 4618-4633, Sept. 2016.
- M. Parchami, W.-P. Zhu, B. Champagne and E. Plourde, "Recent Developments in Speech Enhancement in the Short-Time Fourier Transform Domain," IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 16, pp. 45-77, Aug. 2016.
- J. Zhu, Y. Zou, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu, and L. Hanzo, "Security-Reliability Trade-off Analysis of Multirelay-Aided Decode-and-Forward Cooperation Systems," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, pp. 5825-5831, July 2016.
- R. Abdolee, B. Champagne and A. H. Sayed, "Diffusion Adaptation Over Multi-Agent Networks with Wireless Link Impairments," IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, vol. 15, pp. 1362-1376, June 2016.
- H. Chung, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Discriminative Training of NMF Model Based on Class Probabilities for Speech Enhancement," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, pp. 502-506, April 2016.
- J. Yang, B. Champagne, Y. Zou and L. Hanzo, "Joint Optimization of Transceiver Matrices for MIMO-Aided Multiuser AF Relay Networks: Improving the QoS in the Presence of CSI Errors," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, pp. 1434-1451, March 2016.
- A. Assra, J. Yang and Benoit Champagne, "An EM Approach for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Multi-Antenna CR Networks," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, pp. 1229-1243, March 2016.
- S. Yousefi, H. Wymeersch, X.-W. Chang and B. Champagne, "Tight Two-Dimensional Outer-Approximations of Feasible Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, pp. 570-573, March 2016.
- R. Abdolee and B. Champagne, "Diffusion LMS Strategies in Sensor Networks with Noisy Input Data," IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, vol. 24, pp. 3-14, Feb. 2016.
- Y. Cai, R. C. de Lamare, B. Champagne, B. Qin and M. Zhao, "Adaptive Reduced-Rank Receive Processing Based on Minimum Symbol-Error-Rate Criterion for Large-Scale Multiple-Antenna Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 63, pp. 4185-4201, Nov. 2015.
- M. Parchami, W.-P. Zhu, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Bayesian STSA Estimation Using Masking Properties and Generalized Gamma Prior for Speech Enhancement," EURASIP J. on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 87, 21 pages, Oct. 2015.
- R. Abdolee and B. Champagne, "Centralized Adaptation for Parameter Estimation over Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1624-1627, Sept. 2015.
- C. Zhao and B. Champagne, "A Unified Approach to Optimal Transceiver Design for Non-Regenerative MIMO Relaying," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, pp. 2938-2951, July 2015.
- X. Zhu, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne "Spectrum Sensing Based on Fractional Lower Order Moments for Cognitive Radios in α-Stable Distributed Noise," Signal Processing, vol. 111, pp. 94-105, June 2015.
- S. Yousefi, X.-W. Chang and B. Champagne, "Mobile Localization in Non-Line-of-Sight Using Constrained Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, pp. 2071-2083, May 2015.
- W. Hou and B. Champagne, "Semi-blind channel estimation for OFDM/OQAM systems," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, pp. 400-403, April 2015.
- Y. Zou, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu, and L. Hanzo, "Relay-Selection Improves the Security-Reliability Trade-off in Cognitive Radio Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 63, pp. 215-228, Jan. 2015.
- B. Qin, Y. Cai, B. Champagne, R. C. de Lamare and M. Zhao, "A Low-Complexity Variable Forgetting Factor Constant Modulus RLS Algorithm for Blind Adaptive Beamforming," Signal Processing, vol. 105, pp. 277-282, Dec. 2014.
- F. Shang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, "A ML-Based Framework for Joint TOA/AOA Estimation of UWB Pulses in Dense Multipath Environments," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, pp. 5305-5318, Oct. 2014.
- S. Rahimi and B. Champagne, "Joint Channel and Frequency Offset Estimation for Oversampled Perfect Reconstruction Filter Bank Transceivers," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 62, pp. 2072-2084, June 2014.
- X. Zhu, B. Champagne and W.-P. Zhu, "Rao test based cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios in non-Gaussian noise," Signal Processing, vol. 97, pp. 183-194, April 2014.
- R. Abdolee, A. H. Sayed and B. Champagne, "Estimation of Space-Time Varying Parameters Using a Diffusion LMS Algorithm," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 62, pp. 403-418, Jan. 2014.
- S. Rahimi and B. Champagne, "Oversampled Perfect Reconstruction DFT Modulated Filter Banks for Multi-carrier Transceiver Systems," Signal Processing, vol. 93, pp. 2942-2955, Nov. 2013.
- C. Zhao and B. Champagne, "Joint Design of Multiple Non-regenerative MIMO Relaying Matrices with Power Constraints," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 61, pp. 4861-4873, Oct. 2013.
- F. Shang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, "Time of Arrival and Power Delay Profile Estimation for IR-UWB Systems," Signal Processing, vol. 93, pp.1317-1327, May 2013.
- N. Ehtiati and B. Champagne, "A General Framework for Mixed-Domain Echo Cancellation in Discrete Multitone Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 61, pp. 769-780, Feb. 2013.
- C. Zhao and B. Champagne, "A Low-Complexity Hybrid Framework for Combining-Type Non-Regenerative MIMO Relaying," Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 72, pp. 635-652, Sept. 2013.
- K. Hossain, B. Champagne and A. Assra, "Cooperative Multiband Joint Detection with Correlated Subband Occupancy in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 60, pp. 2682-2687, May 2012.
- C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, "Blind Recursive Subspace-Based Identification of Rapidly Time-Varying Wideband MIMO Channels," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, pp. 662-674, Feb. 2012.
- G. Smecher and B. Champagne, "Optimum Crossing-Point Estimation of a Sampled Random Signal with a Periodic Carrier," Signal Processing, vol. 91, pp. 1951-1962, Aug. 2011.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Multidimensional STSA Estimators for Speech Enhancement with Correlated Spectral Components," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 59, pp. 3013-3024, July 2011.
- K. Hossain and B. Champagne, "Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios with Correlated Subband Occupancy," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 18, pp. 35-38, Jan. 2011.
- C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, "Subspace-Based Blind Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Reduced Time Averaging," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, pp. 1539-1544, March 2010.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne, "Adaptive Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Beamforming for Multiuser Cooperative Relaying using the Kalman Filter", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, pp. 641-651, Feb. 2010.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Generalized Bayesian Estimators of the Spectral Amplitude for Speech Enhancement", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, pp. 485-488, June 2009.
- P. Kechichian and B. Champagne, "An Improved Partial Haar Dual Adaptive Filter for Rapid Identification of a Sparse Echo Channel," Signal Processing, vol. 89, pp. 710-723, May 2009.
- F. D. Beaulieu and B. Champagne, "Design of Prototype Filters for Perfect Reconstruction DFT Filter Bank Transceivers," Signal Processing, vol. 89, pp. 87-98, Jan. 2009.
- N. Ehtiati and B. Champagne, "Constrained Adaptive Echo Cancellation for Discrete Multitone Systems," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 57, pp. 302-312, Jan. 2009.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne, "Collaborative Uplink Transmit Beamforming with Robustness Against Channel Estimation Errors," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, pp. 126-139, Jan. 2009.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Auditory-Based Spectral Amplitude Estimators for Speech Enhancement," IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 16, pp. 1614-1623, Nov. 2008.
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne, "Multistage MMSE PIC Space-Time Receiver with Non-Mutually Exclusive Grouping," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, pp. 2070-2080, July 2008.
- W. Chu and B. Champagne, "A Noise-Robust FFT-Based Auditory Spectrum with Application in Audio Classification," IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 16, pp. 137-150, Jan. 2008.
- M. Ghanassi, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, "On the Steady-State Mean Square Error of the Fixed-Point LMS Algorithm," Signal Processing, vol. 87, pp. 3226-3233, Dec. 2007.
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne, "Group-Based Space-Time Multiuser Detection with User Sharing," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, pp. 2034-2039, June 2007.
- W. Chu and B. Champagne, "A Simplified Early Auditory Model with Application in Audio Classification," Canadian J. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 185-189, Fall 2006.
- C.-G. Bénar, R. N. Gunn, C. Grova, B. Champagne and J. Gotman, "Statistical Maps for EEG Dipolar Source Localization," IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 52, March 2005, pp. 401-413.
- W. Kang and B. Champagne, "Subspace-Based Blind Channel Estimation: Generalization and Performance Analysis," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 1151-1162, March 2005.
- M. Biguesh, S. Valaee and B. Champagne, "Generalized Principal Component Beamformer for Communication Systems," Signal Processing, vol. 85, pp. 67-79, Jan. 2005.
- Y. Chen, T. Le-Ngoc, B. Champagne and C. Xu, "Recursive Least Squares Constant Modulus Algorithm for Blind Adaptive Array," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 52, pp. 1452-1456, May 2004.
- X. Lu and B. Champagne, "A Variable Step-Size Adaptive Cross-Spectral Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E86-A, pp. 2812-2821, Nov. 2003.
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, "Incorporating the Human Hearing Properties in the Signal Subspace Approach for Speech Enhancement," IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 11, pp. 700-708, Nov. 2003.
- T. Chonavel, B. Champagne and C. Riou, "Fast Adaptive Eigenvalue Decomposition: A Maximum Likelihood Approach," Signal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 307-324, Feb. 2003.
- M. Biguesh, B. Champagne, S. Valaee and M. H. Bastani, "A Strategy for Cochannel Signals Extraction with Antenna Array in TDMA/FDMA Mobile Cellular Systems," Scientia Iranica, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 385-391, Oct. 2002.
- M. Biguesh, S. Valaee, B. Champagne, M. H. Bastani and F. Farzaneh, "A Robust Sidelobe Canceller for Reflector Antenna using Signal Subspace Eigenvectors," Revue HF: Belgian J. of Electronics and Communications, pp.37-47, no. 3, Sept. 2001.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, "Effective Multi-Path Vector Channel Simulator for Antenna Array Systems," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol. 49, pp. 2370-2381, Nov. 2000.
- F. Caron, B. Champagne and Q.-G. Liu, "On the Use of the FNTF Algorithm in Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation," Canadian J. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 25, pp. 121-129, July 2000.
- Q.-G. Liu, B. Champagne and K. C. Ho, "Simple Design of Oversampled Uniform DFT Filter Banks with Applications to Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation," Signal Processing, vol. 80, pp. 831-847, May 2000.
- B. Champagne, "On the Asymptotic Convergence and Numerical Stability of the Proteus EVD Trackers," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 48, pp. 242-246, Jan. 2000.
- S. Valaee, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, "Localization of Wideband Signals Using Least-Squares and Total Least-Squares Approaches," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 47, pp. 1213-1222, May 1999.
- P. Pango and B. Champagne, "On the Efficient Use of Givens Rotations in SVD-Based Subspace Tracking Algorithms," Signal Processing, vol. 74, pp. 253-277, May 1999.
- B. Champagne and Q.-G. Liu, "Plane Rotation-Based EVD Updating Schemes for Efficient Subspace Tracking," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 46, pp. 1886-1900, July 1998.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, "A New Cepstral Prefiltering Technique for Estimating Time Delay Under Reverberant Conditions," Signal Processing, vol. 59, pp. 253-266, June 1997.
- Q.-G. Liu, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, "A Microphone Array Processing Technique for Speech Enhancement in a Reverberant Space," Speech Communication, vol. 18, pp. 317-334, June 1996.
- B. Champagne, S. Bédard and A. Stéphenne, "Performance of Time Delay Estimation in the Presence of Room Reverberation," IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 4, pp. 148-152, Feb. 1996.
- S. Valaee, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, "Parametric Localization of Distributed Sources," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 43, pp. 2144-2153, Sept. 1995.
- B. Champagne, "Adaptive Eigendecomposition of Data Covariance Matrices Based on First-Order Perturbations," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 42, pp. 2758-2770, Oct. 1994.
- J. An and B. Champagne, "GSC Realizations Using the Two-Dimensional Transform-Domain LMS Algorithm," IEE Proc.-Radar, Sonar Navigation, vol. 141, pp. 270-278, Oct. 1994.
- B. Champagne, "Simulation of the Response of Multiple Microphones to a Moving Point Source," Applied Acoustics, vol. 42, pp. 313-332, Aug. 1994.
- B. Champagne, W. Hereman and P. Winternitz, "The Computer Calculation of Lie Point Symmetries of Large Systems of Differential Equations," Computer Physics Communications, vol. 66, pp. 319-340, Sept. 1991.
- B. Champagne, M. Eizenman and S. Pasupathy, "Exact Maximum Likelihood Time Delay Estimation for Short Observation Intervals," IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 39, pp. 1245-1257, June 1991.
- B. Champagne, M. Eizenman and S. Pasupathy, "Factorization Properties of Optimum Space-Time Processors in Non-Stationary Environments," IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 1853-1869, Nov. 1990.
- B. Champagne and P. Winternitz, "On the Infinite-Dimensional Symmetry Group of the Davey-Stewartson Equations," J. of Mathematical Physics, vol. 29, pp. 1-8, Jan. 1988.
Book Chapters
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, “Signal subspace techniques for speech enhancement,” in J. Benesty, S. Makino and J. Chen (Eds.), Speech Enhancement, Springer, Berlin, 2005, Chapter 7, pp. 135-159.
- M. Ghanassi and B. Champagne, “Subband AEC based on the sliding-window FAP-RLS algorithm: fixed-point implementation issues,” in S. Gay and J. Benesty (Eds.), Acoustic Signal Processing for Telecommunications, Kluwer Academic, Boston, 2000, Chapter 3, pp. 47-65.
Guest Editorial
- K. Berberidis, B. Champagne, G. V. Moustakides, H. V. Poor and P. Stoica, “Advances in subspace-based techniques for signal processing and communications,” Special issue of EURASIP J. of Applied Signal Processing, Article ID48612, vol. 2007, 3 pages, Jan. 2007.
Conference Papers
CCECE = Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer EngineeringEUSIPCO = European Signal Processing Conference
GLOBECOM = Global Communications Conference
ICASSP = International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
ICC = International Conference on Communications
PIMRC=International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
VTC = Vehicular Technology Conference
IWMLSP = Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
WCNC = IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf.
5GWF = 5G World Forum
ISCS = Int. Symp. on Circuit and Systems
APSIPA = Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit and Conf.
INTSP = InterSpeech
SIPS = IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
IMSCS = Int. Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems
ACSSC = Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers
PACRIM = Pacific Rim Conf. on Communications
- T. Olutayo, and B. Champagne, "Learned Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Descent for Massive MIMO Detection," accepted for IEEE Latin-American Conf. on Communications, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 2022.
- S. Norouzi, Y. Cai, and B. Champagne, "Joint Design of User Clustering, Beamforming, and Power Allocation for NOMA," accepted for IEEE 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove (CA), USA, Nov. 2022.
- S. Hosseini, X.-W. Chang, and B. Champagne, "A Low-Complexity and Intelligent DoA Estimation Method for EHF and THz Cell-Free Massive MIMO," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, London, UK (Beijing, China), Sept 2022.
- H. Li, X.-W. Chang, and B. Champagne, "Optimal Power Allocation Based on Success Probability of SIC Detection in MWRC PNC," accepted for IEEE CCECE, Halifax, Canada, Sept. 2022.
- Y. Zhao and B. Champagne, "An Efficient Transformer-Based Model for Voice Activity Detection," accepted for IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Xian, China. Aug. 2022.
- Y. Zhao, Y. Attabi, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "Complex IRM-Aware Training for Voice Activity Detection using Attention Model," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Singapore, May 2022, pp. 3698-3702.
- A. Aftab, A. Morsali, S. Ghaemmaghami, and B. Champagne, "LIGHT-SERNET: A Lightweight Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Singapore, May 2022, pp. 6912-6916.
- M. A. Maleki Sadr, and B. Champagne, "Joint Robust Relay Beamforming and Adaptive Channel Estimation Using Cubature Kalman Filtering," in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Austin, USA, April 2022, pp. 968-973.
- O. Karatalay, I. Psaromiligkos, and B. Champagne, "Energy-Efficient D2D-Aided Fog Computing under Probabilistic Time Constraints," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021, 7 pages.
- S. Khare, A. Morsali, and B. Champagne, "All-Analog Structures for AF Relaying in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems," in Proc. IEEE 5G World Forum, Montreal, Canada. Oct. 2021, pp. 41-46.
- S. Norouzi, Y. Cai, and B. Champagne, "Constrained K-Means User Clustering and Downlink Beamforming in MIMO-SCMA systems," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2021, pp. 1091-1096.
- M. Hasannazhed, W-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "A Novel Low-Complexity Attention-Driven Composite Model for Speech Enhancement," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuit and Systems, Daegu, South Korea, May 2021, 6 pages.
- H. Li, X.-W. Chang, and B. Champagne, "Success-Probability-Based Power Allocation for Downlink PNC in Multi-way Relay Channels," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, April 2021, 6 pages.
- N. Kaur, S. S. Hosseini and B. Champagne, "Enhanced Channel Tracking in THz Beamspace Massive MIMO: A Deep CNN Approach," in Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit and Conf., Aukland, New Zealand, Dec. 2020, pp. 76-81.
- M. Hasannezhad, Z. Ouyang, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "An Integrated CNN-GRU Framework for Complex Ratio Mask Estimation in Speech Enhancement," in Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit and Conf., Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2020, pp. 764-768.
- A. Poulin, A. Morsali, and B. Champagne, "Switch-Based Hybrid Analog/Digital Channel Estimation for mmWave Massive MIMO," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Victoria, Canada, Nov. 2020, 6 pages.
- H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "Subband Kalman Filtering with DNN Estimated Parameters for Speech Enhancement," in Proc. InterSpeech, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2020, pp. 2697-2701.
- H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "High-Frequency Component Restoration for Kalman Filter Based Speech Enhancement," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuit and Systems, Seville, Spain, Oct. 2020, 5 pages.
- F. Faraji, Y. Attabi, B. Champagne, and W.-P. Zhu, "On the Use of Audio Fingerprinting Features for Speech Enhancement with Generative Adversarial Network," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), Coimbra, Portugal, Sept. 2020, 6 pages. (Best Student Paper Award)
- H. Chung, V. S. Tomar, and B. Champagne "Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Inverse Filtering Approach for Speech De-reverberation," in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Espoo, Finland, Sept. 2020, 6 pages.
- M. Hasannezhad, Z. Ouyang, W.-P. Zhu, and B. Champagne, "Speech Separation Using a Composite Model for Complex Mask Estimation," in Proc. IEEE 63rd Int. Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Springfield (MA), USA, Aug. 2020, pp. 578-581.
- Z. Lin, M. Lin, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu and N. Al-Dhahir, "Robust Hybrid Beamforming for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 8792-8796, May 2020.
- A. Morsali and B. Champagne, "Achieving Fully-Digital Performance by Hybrid Analog/Digital Beamforming in Wide-Band Massive MIMO Systems," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 5125-5129, May 2020.
- Z. Lin, M. Lin, T. de Cola, B. Champagne and A. L. Swindlehurst, "ZF-Based Beamforming for Wireless Powered Cognitive Satellite-Terrestrial Networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa (HI), USA, Dec. 2019, 6 pages.
- A. Baghaki and B. Champagne, "Channel Estimation for Filtered OFDM Transceiver Systems," in Proc. IEEE 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove (CA), USA, pp. 2132-2138, Nov. 2019.
- A. Morsali, S. Norouzi and B. Champagne, "Single RF Chain Hybrid Analog/Digital Beamforming for mmWave Massive-MIMO," in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Ottawa, Canada. Nov. 2019, 5 pages.
- A. A. Abouelfadl, I. Psaromiligkos, and B. Champagne, "Extended Target Frequency Response Estimation Using Infinite HMM in Cognitive Radars," in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Ottawa, Canada, Nov. 2019, 5 pages.
- O. Karatalay, I. Psaromiligkos, B. Champagne and B. Pelletier, "Fully Distributed Energy-Efficient Synchronization for Half-duplex D2D Communications," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2019, 7 pages.
- S. Norouzi, A. Morsali and B. Champagne, "Optimizing Transmission Rate in NOMA via Block Diagonalization Beamforming and Power Allocation," in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada, Aug. 2019, 5 pages.
- H. Abdzadeh-Ziabari and B. Champagne, "Novel Detection Methods for Zero-Padded Single Carrier Spatial Modulation in Doubly Selective Channels," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Brighton, UK, May 2019, pp. 4704-4708.
- Z. Ouyang, H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Complex Spectrogram Processing in Speech Enhancement," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Brighton, UK, May 2019, pp. 5756-5760.
- M.-M. Zhao, Y. Cai, M. Zhao and B. Champagne, "Joint Content Placement, RRH Clustering and Beamforming for Cache-Enabled Cloud-RAN," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Shanghai, China, May 2019, 6 pages.
- H. Yu, Z. Ouyang, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, and Y. Ji, "A Deep Neural Network Based Kalman Filter for Time Domain Speech Enhancement," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Sapporo, Japan, May 2019, 5 pages.
- A. Morsali and B. Champagne, "Robust Hybrid Analog/Digital Beamforming for Uplink Massive-MIMO with Imperfect CSI," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC), Marrakesh, Morocco, April 2019, 6 pages.
- O. Karatalay, I. Psaromiligkos, B. Champagne and B. Pelletier, "Fast Converging Distributed Pulse-Coupled Clock Synchronization for Half-Duplex D2D Communications over Multipath Channels," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Louisville (KY), USA, Dec. 2018, pp. 123-128.
- J. Shi, Y. Wang, H. Xu, M. Chen and B. Champagne, "Performance Analysis of User-Centric Virtual Cell Dense Networks over mmWave Channels," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018, 7 pages.
- H. Chung, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "A Supervised Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on Bayesian NMF Model," in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Anaheim (CA), USA. Nov. 2018, pp. 221-225.
- Z. Ouyang, H. Yu, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "A Deep Neural Network Based Harmonic Noise Model for Speech Enhancement," in Proc. InterSpeech, Hyderabad, India, Sept. 2018, pp. 3224-3228.
- H. Chung, T. Kim, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Noise-Adaptive Deep Neural Network for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement," in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2018, 6 pages.
- J. Yi, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, "Structured Dictionary Learning for Compressive Speech Sensing," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2018, pp. 573-577.
- A. Saab, J. Yang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, "Efficient Group-Sparse Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Relaying in C-Ran," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Chicago, USA, Aug. 2018, 6 pages.
- A. A. Abouelfadl, I. Psaromiligkos, and B. Champagne, "A Low-Complexity Nonparametric STAP Detector," in Proc. IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conf. (NAECON), Dayton (OH), USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 592-596.
- Y. Attabi, H. Chung, B. Champagne and W.-P. Zhu, "NMF-Based Speech Enhancement Using Multitaper Spectrum Estimation," in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Signal and Systems (ICSigSys), Bali, Indonesia, May 2018, pp. 36-41.
- A. Baghaki and B. Champagne, "Joint Carrier Frequency Offset, Sampling Time Offset and Channel Estimation in Multiuser OFDM/OQAM Systems," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain, April 2018, 6 pages.
- R. Razani, H. Chung, Y. Attabi and B. Champagne, "A Reduced Complexity MFCC-Based Deep Neural Network Approach for Speech Enhancement," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Bilbao, Spain, Dec. 2017, pp. 331-336.
- R. Guo, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, M. Zhao and B. Champagne, "Joint Design of Beam Selection and Precoding for mmWave MU-MIMO Systems with Lens Antenna Array," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2017, 5 pages.
- D. Kebiche, A. Baghaki, X. Zou and B. Champagne, "UFMC-Based Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems in Non-Gaussian Noise," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2017, 7 pages.
- L. Lu, H. Zhao and B. Champagne, "Steady-State Analysis of the Maximum Correntropy Volterra Filter with Application to Nonlinear Channel Equalization," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Kos, Greece, Sept. 2017, pp. 2689-2693. (Invited Paper)
- A. Tahat, C. D’Amours and B. Champagne, "Subspace Decomposition Channel Estimation for Multiple Virtual MIMO SC-FDMA Systems," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer and Information Technology, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 2017, pp. 81-86.
- H. Li, Y. Cai and B. Champagne, "SIC Aided Physical-Layer Network Coding for Multi-Way Relay Channels," in Proc. Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, Quebec City, Canada, June 2017, 5 pages.
- D. Tetréault-La Roche, B. Champagne, I. Psaromiligkos and B. Pelletier, "On the Use of Distributed Synchronization in 5G Device-to-Device Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017, 7 pages.
- X. Zhai, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, M. Zhao, G. Y. Li and B. Champagne, "Joint Antenna Selection and Transceiver Design for MU-MIMO mmWave Systems," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017, 6 pages.
- H. Chung, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, "Single-Channel Enhancement of Convolutive Noisy Speech Based on a Discriminative NMF Algorithm," in Proc. ICASSP, New Orleans, USA, March 2017, pp. 2302-2306.
- K. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Yang, B. Champagne and J. Wei, “A weighted combining algorithm for spatial multiplexing MIMO DF relaying systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2016, 6 pages.
- Y. Cai, M.-M. Zhao, Q. Shi, M. Hong and B. Champagne, “Joint transceiver design for full-duplex K-pair MIMO interference channel with energy harvesting,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2016, 5 pages.
- S. K. Roy, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, “Single channel speech enhancement using subband iterative Kalman filter,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Montreal, Canada, May 2016.
- Y. Gao, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, “Joint transceiver designs for secure communications over MIMO relay,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Shanghai, China, March 2016, pp. 3851-3855.
- H. Chung, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “Basis compensation in non-negative matrix factorization model for speech enhancement,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Shanghai, China, March 2016, pp. 2249-2253.
- M. Parchami, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne, “Speech dereverberation using linear prediction with estimation of early speech spectral variance,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Shanghai, March 2016, pp. 504-508.
- V. Mani, B. Champagne and W.-P. Zhu, “Speech enhancement in modulation domain using codebook-based speech and noise estimation,” in Proc. IEEE Global Conf. on Signal and Information Processing, Orlando, U.S.A., Dec. 2015, pp. 707-711.
- J. Yang, B. Champagne, Q. Li and L. Hanzo. "Secure MIMO AF relaying design: An intercept probability constrained approach”, in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego (CA), U.S.A., Dec. 2015, 5 pages
- J. Yang, Y. Cai, B. Champagne and L. Hanzo, “Multi-user beamforming-aided AF relaying: a low-complexity adaptive design approach,” in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove (CA), U.S.A., Nov. 2015, pp. 983-988.
- M.-M Zhao, Y. Cai, Q. Shi, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, "Robust transceiver design for MISO interference channel with energy harvesting," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Boston, U.S.A., Sept. 2015, 5 pages.
- A. Baghaki and B. Champagne, “Joint carrier frequency offset, sampling time offset and channel estimation for OFDM-OQAM systems", in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Boston, U.S.A., Sept. 2015, 5 pages.
- X. Wu, Y. Cai, R. C. de Lamare, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, “Adaptive blind widely linear CCM reduced-rank beamforming for large-scale antenna arrays,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Singapore, July 2015, pp. 5-9.
- S. Yousefi, R. M. Vaghefi, X.-W. Chang, B. Champagne and M. Buehrer, “Sensor Localization in NLOS Environments with Anchor Uncertainty and Unknown Clock Parameters,” in Proc. IEEE ICC (Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation), London, U.K., June 2015, 5 pages
- L. Zhang, Y. Cai, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, “Tomlinson-Harashima precoding design in MIMO wiretap channels based on the MMSE criterion”, in Proc. IEEE ICC (Workshop on Wireless Physical Layer Security), London, U.K., June 2015, 5 pages.
- J. Yang, B. Champagne, Y. Zou and L. Hanzo, “MIMO AF Relaying Security: Robust Transceiver Design in the Presence of Multiple Eavesdroppers,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, London, U.K., June 2015, 5 pages.
- M. Parchami, Wei-Ping Zhu and B. Champagne, “A new algorithm for noise PSD matrix estimation in multi-microphone speech enhancement based on recursive smoothing”, accepted for presentation at IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015, 5 pages.
- G. Ghodoosipour, B. Champagne and E. Plourde, “On
the use of a codebook-based modeling approach for Baysesian STSA speech enhancement,” accepted for presentation at IEEE Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Eng., Halifax, Canada, May 2015, 6 pages.
- S. Rahimi and B. Champagne, “Joint synchronization and equalization in the uplink of multi-user OPRFB transceivers,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., Dec. 2014, 6 pages.
- Q. Gong, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, "Noise power spectral density estimation based on improved IMCRA,” in Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 2014, 7 pages.
- B. Qin, Y. Cai, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, “Complexity reduction techniques for blind adaptive beamforming in OFDM antenna arrays,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Heifi, China, Oct. 2014, 6 pages.
- S. Yousefi, X.-W. Chang and B. Champagne, “Cooperative localization of mobile nodes in NLOS”, in Proc. IEEE 25th PIMRC, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Sept. 2014, 5 pages.
- M.-M. Zhao, Y. Cai, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, “Min-max MSE transceiver with switched preprocessing for MIMO interference channels,” in Proc. IEEE 25th PIMRC, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Sept. 2014, 5 pages.
- H. Chung, E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “Regularized NMF-based speech enhancement with spectral components modeled by Gaussian mixtures,” in Proc IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Reims, France, Sept. 2014, 6 pages.
- J. Yang, B. Champagne, “Joint transceiver optimization for MIMO multiuser relaying networks with channel uncertainties,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 2014, 6 pages.
- C. D’Amours, B. Champagne, A.O.Dahmane, A. Tahat “Channel estimation using subspace decomposition for SC-FDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Vancouver, Canada, May 2014, 5 pages.
- F. Shang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, “Joint TOA/AOA estimation of IR-UWB signals in the presence of multiuser interference", in Proc. 15th IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Toronto, Canada, June 2014, 5 pages.
- M. Parchami, W.-P. Zhu and B. Champagne,“Microphone array based speech spectral amplitude estimators with phase estimation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, June 2014, pp. 133-136.
- Y. Cai, M.-M. Zhao, B. Champagne and M. Zhao, “Robust transceiver with switched preprocessing for K-pair MIMO interference channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, Seoul, Korea, May 2014, 5 pages.
- S. Yousefi, X.-W. Chang and B. Champagne, “Distributed cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks without NLOS identification,”in Proc. 11th IEEE Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications, Dresden, Germany, March 2014, 6 pages.
- B. Qin, Y. Cai, B. Champagne, M. Zhao and S. Yousefi, “Low-complexity variable forgetting factor constant modulus RLS-based algorithm for blind adaptive beamforming,” in Proc. 47th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 2013, pp. 171 – 175.
- S. Yousefi, X.-W. Chang and B. Champagne, “A joint localization and synchronization technique using time of arrival at multiple antenna receivers,” in Proc. 47th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 2013, pp. 2017 – 2021.
- X. Zhu, B. Champagne and W.-P. Zhu, “Cooperative spectrum sensing based on the Rao test in non-Gaussian noise environments,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2013, 6 pages.
- A. Tahat, C. D’Amours and B. Champagne, “Subspace decomposition approach to multi-user MIMO channel estimation in SC-FDE systems,” in Proc. IEEE 24th PIMRC, London, UK, Sept. 2013, pp. 1260-1264.
- S. Yousefi, B. Champagne and X.-W. Chang, “An improved extended Kalman filter for localization of a mobile node with NLOS anchors,” in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications, Nice, France, July 2013, pp. 25-30. (Best Paper Award)
- S. Rahimi and B. Champagne “Carrier frequency recovery for oversampled perfect reconstruction filter bank transceivers,” in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications, Nice, France, July 2013, pp. 140-145.
- R. Abdolee, B. Champagne and A. H. Sayed, “Diffusion LMS strategies for parameter estimation over fading wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013, pp. 1926-1930.
- C. D’Amours, B. Champagne and A. O. Dahmane, “Subspace decomposition for channel estimation in SC-FDE systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, Dresden, Germany, June 2013, 5 pages
- R. Abdolee, S. Saur, B. Champagne and A. H. Sayed, “Diffusion LMS localization and tracking algorithm for wireless cellular networks”, in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Vancouver, B.C., May 2013, pp. 4598-4602.
- C. Zhao and B. Champagne “Linear transceiver design for relay-assisted broadcast systems with diagonal scaling,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Vancouver, B.C., May 2013.
- F. Shang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, “A novel ML based joint TOA and AOA estimator for IR-UWB systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Vancouver, B.C., May 2013.
- Y. Cai, B. Champagne and R. C. de Lamare, “Low-complexity adaptive transceiver techniques for K-pair MIMO interference channel,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC), Shanghai, China, April 2013.
- K. Hossain, A. Assra and B. Champagne, “Multiband joint detection with correlated occupancy in wideband cognitive radios,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems, Paris, France, Aug. 2012, pp. 541-545. (Best Paper Award – Physical Layer Track)
- S. Rahimi and B. Champagne, “On the robustness of oversampled filter bank multi carrier systems against frequency offset,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems, Paris, France, Aug. 2012, pp. 944-948.
- R. Abdolee, B. Champagne and A. H. Sayed, “A diffusion LMS strategy for parameter estimation in noisy regressor applications,” in Proc. EUSIPCO-2012, Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 2012, pp. 749-753.
- R. Abdolee, B. Champagne and A. H. Sayed, “Diffusion LMS for source and process estimation in sensor networks,” in Proc. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, Aug. 2012, pp. 165-168.
- F. Shang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, “Joint estimation of time of arrival and channel power delay profile for pulse-based UWB systems,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Ottawa, Ont., Canada, June 2012, pp. 4515-4519.
- A. Assra and B. Champagne,“EM-based joint estimation and detection for multiple antenna cognitive radios,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Ottawa, Ont., Canada, June 2012, pp. 1482-1486.
- C. Zhao and B. Champagne, “MMSE-based non-regenerative parallel MIMO relaying with simplified receiver,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, Texas, Dec. 2011, 5 pages.
- A. Assra, A. Vakili and B. Champagne, “Iterative joint channel and noise variance estimation and primary user signal detection for cognitive radios,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Information Theory (ISSPIT), Bilbao, Spain, Dec. 2011, pp. 305-309.
- A. Vakili and B. Champagne, “An adaptive energy detection technique applied to cognitive radio networks,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Toronto, Ontario, Sept. 2011, pp. 509-514.
- R. Abdolee and B. Champagne, “Diffusion LMS algorithms for sensor networks over non-ideal inter-sensor wireless channels,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems and Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, June 2011, 6 pages.
- S. Rahimi and B. Champagne, “Perfect Reconstruction DFT Modulated Oversampled Filter Bank Transceivers,” in Proc. EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2011, pp. 1588-1592.
- N. Ehtiati and B. Champagne, “Dual domain echo cancellers for multirate discrete multitone systems,” in Proc. 44st Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, USA, Nov. 2010, pp. 111-115.
- C. Zhao and B. Champagne, “Non-regenerative MIMO relaying strategies: from single to multiple cooperative relays”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Suzhou, China, Oct. 2010, 6 pages.
- F. Shang, B. Champagne and I. Psaromiligkos, “Joint estimation of time of arrival and power profile for UWB localization,” in Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Signal Processing (ICSP), Beijing, China, Oct. 2010, pp. 1484-1487.
- R. Abdolee and B. Champagne, “Distributed blind adaptive algorithms based on constant modulus for wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 2010, pp. 303-308.
- N. Ehtiati and B. Champagne, “Comparative evaluation of the dual transform domain echo canceller for DMT-based systems,” in Proc. ICASSP, Dallas, Texas, March 2010, 4 pages.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “A family of Bayesian STSA estimators for the enhancement of speech with correlated frequency components,” in Proc. ICASSP, Dallas, Texas, March 2010, 4 pages.
- N. Ehtiati and B. Champagne,“Dual transform-domain echo canceller for discrete multitone systems,” in Proc. Globecom, Hawaii, U.S.A., Dec. 2009, 6 pages.
- B. Champagne, A. El-Keyi and C.-C. Tu, “A subspace method for the blind identification of multiple time-varying FIR channels,” in Proc. Globecom, Hawaii, U.S.A., Dec. 2009, 6 pages.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “Bayesian spectral amplitude estimation for speech enhancement with correlated spectral components,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, U.K., August 2009, pp. 397-400.
- B. Gao, C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, “Computationally efficient approaches for blind adaptive beamforming in SIMO-OFDM systems”, in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf., Victoria, British Columbia, Aug. 2009, pp. 245-250.
- C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, “On convergence properties of subspace trackers based on orthogonal iteration”, in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf., Victoria, British Columbia, Aug. 2009, pp. 65-70.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne,"Adaptive training-based collaborative MIMO beamforming for multiuser relay networks" in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring, Barcelona, Spain, April 2009, 5 pages.
- C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, "Subspace tracking of fast time-varying channels in precoded MIMO-OFDM systems", in Proc. ICASSP, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2009, pp. 2565-2568. (Awarded a Student Travel Grant by Conference Organizing Committee)
- G. Smecher and B. Champagne, "Crossing-point estimation for sampled random signals" in Proc. IEEE CCECE, Niagara, Ontario, May 2008, pp. 193-196.
- C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, "Subspace blind MIMO-OFDM channel estimation with short averaging periods: performance analysis", in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., Mar. 2008, pp. 24-29.
- W. Chu and B. Champagne, “Further studies of a FFT-based auditory spectrum with application in audio classification,” in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Signal Processing (ICSP), Beijing, China, Oct. 2008, pp. 2729-2733.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “Perceptually based speech enhancement using the weighted β-SA estimator,” in Proc. ICASSP, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., April 2008, pp. 4193-4196.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne, “Cooperative MIMO-beamforming for multiuser relay networks,” in Proc. ICASSP, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., April 2008, pp. 2749-2752.
- N. Ehtiati and B. Champagne ,"Linearly constrained adaptive echo cancellation for discrete multitone Systems," in Proc. IEEE Int. Sym. on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2007, pp. 584-589.
- B.-O. Kwun, A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne, "Robust transmit beamforming for collaborative MIMO-OFDM systems," in Proc. IEEE ISSPIT, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2007, pp. 443-448.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne," Robust channel feedback for collaborative uplink beamforming," in Proc. IEEE ISSPIT, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2007, pp. 318-322.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne, “Decentralized collaborative uplink beamforming with robustness against channel mismatches,” in Proc. 41st Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 2007, pp. 2235-2238.
- A. El-Keyi and B. Champagne, “Semi-blind adaptive beamforming for cyclostationary signals: a Kalman filtering approach", in Proc. 41st Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 2007, pp. 2239-2242.
- C.-C. Tu and B. Champagne, “Subspace-based blind channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM systems: reducing the time averaging interval of the correlation matrix", in Proc. 18th Int. Symp. on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athena, Greece, Sept. 2007, 5 pages.
- P. Kechichian and B. Champagne, “An improved partial Haar dual adaptive filter for sparse echo cancellation ,” in Proc. 15th EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, Sept. 2007, pp. 203-207.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “Integrating the cochlea’s compressive nonlinearity in the Bayesian approach for speech enhancement", in Proc. 15th EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, Sept. 2007, pp. 70-74.
- W. Chu and B. Champagne, "An improved implementation for an auditory-inspired FFT model with application in audio classification," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo, Beijing, China, July 2007, pp. 196-199.
- F. Duplessis-Beaulieu and B. Champagne, “One-tap equalizer for perfect reconstruction DFT filter bank transceivers,” in Proc. URSI Int. Symp. on Signals, Systems and Electronics, Montreal, Quebec, July 2007, pp. 391-394.
- E. Plourde and B. Champagne, “Further analysis of the b-order MMSE STSA estimator for speech enhancement,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-07, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 2007, pp. 1594-1597.
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne, “Group-based block linear successive interference cancellation for DS-CDMA,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom Conf., San Francisco, California, USA, Nov. 2006, 5 pages.
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne, “Group-based linear parallel interference cancellation for DS-CDMA systems," in Proc. IEEE VTC Fall-06, Montréal, Quebec, Sept. 2006, 5 pages.
- W. Chu and B. Champagne, “A noise-robust FFT-based spectrum for audio classification,” in Proc. 2006 IEEE ICASSP-06, Toulouse, France, May 2006, vol. 5, pp. 213-216.
- F. Duplessis-Beaulieu and B. Champagne, “MMSE equalization for zero padded multicarrier systems with insufficient guard length,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP-06, Toulouse, France, May 2006, vol. 5, pp. 377-380.
- W. Chu and B. Champagne, “A simplified early auditory model with application in speech/music classification," in Proc. IEEE CCECE-06, Ottawa, Ontario, May 2006, pp. 578-581. (Best Student Paper Award)
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne , "Group-optimal linear space-time multiuser detection", in Proc. IEEE CCECE-06, Ottawa, Ontario, May 2006, pp. 1761-1765.
- F. Duplessis-Beaulieu and B. Champagne, “Multicarrier modulation using perfect reconstruction DFT filter bank transceivers,” in Proc 5th Int. Conf. on Information, Communications and Signal Proc. (ICICS), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2005, pp. 111-115.
- B. Pelletier, W. Kang and B. Champagne, “Improved multiuser blind CCD-based vector channel estimation in colored noise,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring-05, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2005, vol. 2, pp. 778-782.
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne, “Group optimal space-time MUD with beamforming,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring-05, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1323-1327.
- J.-F. Marceau and B. Champagne, “A reduced complexity multi-rate echo canceller for DMT based DSL systems,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-05, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2005, pp. 1202-1207.
- M. Ghanassi, J.-F. Marceau, F. Duplessis-Beaulieu and B. Champagne, “Analysis of ADSL2’s 4D-TCM performance,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-05, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2005, pp 1850-1854.
- B. Pelletier, J. Mao and B. Champagne, “Comparative study of uplink and downlink beamforming algorithms in UTRA/TDD,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring, Milan, Italy, May 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1162-1166.
- L. Gagnon, S. Foucher, V. Gouaillier, C. Brun, J. Brousseau, G. Boulianne, F. Osterrath, C. Chapdelaine, J. Dutrisac, F. St-Onge, B. Champagne and X. Lu, “MPEG-7 audio-visual indexing test-bed for video retrieval,” in Proc. SPIE Internet Imaging V, San Jose, California, U.S.A., Jan. 2004, vol. 5304 , pp. 319-329.
- X. Lu and B. Champagne, “Acoustic echo cancellation with post-filtering in subband,” in Proc. 2003 IEEEWorkshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York, U.S.A., Oct. 2003, pp. 29-32.
- W. Kang and B. Champagne, “Generalized blind subspace channel estimation,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Fall-03, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A, Oct. 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1209-1213.
- C. G. Bénar, R. N. Gunn, C. Grova, B. Champagne and J. Gotman. “fMRI and EEG dipole statistical maps in epilepsy,”in Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Non-invasive Functional Source Imaging within the Human Brain and Heart, Chieti, Italy, Sept. 2003.
- C. G. Bénar, R. N. Gunn, Y. Agha Khani, A. Bagshaw, B. Champagne and J. Gotman. “EEG statistical maps of localization of epileptic spikes: a tool for comparison with fMRI and SEEG,” 9th Intl Conf. on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, New York, U.S.A., June 2003. (Abstract and poster)
- B. Champagne, W. Kang and H. C. Tam, “Improved strategy for adaptive rank estimation with spherical subspace trackers,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-03, Montreal, Quebec, May 2003, vol. 3, pp. 2029-2034.
- N. Caouras, M. Freda, F. Monfet, V.S. Aldea, O. Naeem, T. Le-Ngoc and B. Champagne, “Performance evaluation platform for XDSL deployment in a complex multi-segment environment,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-03, Montreal, Quebec, May 2003, vol. 1, pp. 61-64.
- B. Pelletier and B. Champagne, “Estimation of high-speed data radio transmission line parameters,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-03, Montreal, Quebec, May 2003, vol. 3, pp. 1997-2000.
- W. Kang and B. Champagne, “A low-complexity adaptive blind subspace channel estimation algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP-03, Hong Kong, April 2003, vol. IV, pp. 321-324.
- F. Duplessis-Beaulieu and B. Champagne, “Fast convolutive blind speech separation via subband adaptation,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP-03, Hong Kong, April 2003, vol. V, pp. 513-516.
- X. Lu and B. Champagne, “A centralized acoustic echo canceller exploiting masking properties of the human ear,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP-03, Hong Kong, April 2003, vol. V, pp. 377-380.
- X. Lu and B. Champagne, “Pitch analysis-based acoustic echo cancellation over a non-linear channel,” in Proc. 11th EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, Sept. 2002, vol. I, pp. 159-162.
- Y. Chen, T. Le-Ngoc, B. Champagne, “A fast RLS-CM algorithm for blind adaptive beamforming,” in Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications, Banf, Alberta, July 2002, pp. 15-20.
- C. G. Bénar, R. N. Gunn, B. Champagne and J. Gotman, “Probabilistic methods for the EEG inverse problem,” 4th Int. Conf. on Bioelectromagnetism, Montreal, Quebec, July 2002.
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, “A multi-microphone beamformer with an eigendomain postfilter,” in Proc. 21st Biennial Symp. on Communications., Kingston, Ontario, June 2002, pp. 520-523.
- X. Lu and B. Champagne, “Subspace approach for the suppression of the nonlinear acoustic echo introduced by loudspeakers,” in Proc. 21st Biennial Symp. on Communications, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 2002, pp. 512-515.
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, “A perceptual signal subspace approach for speech enhancement in colored noise,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., May 2002, vol. 1, pp. 569-572.
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, “On the use of masking properties of the human ear in the signal subspace speech enhancement approach,” in Proc. 7th IEEE/EURASIP International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 2001, pp. 199-202.
- X. Lu and B. Champagne, “Acoustic echo cancellation over a non-linear channel,” in Proc. 7th IEEE IWAENC, Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 2001, pp. 139-142.
- J. Mao, B. Champagne, M. O'Droma and L. Ge, “A new algorithm for joint DOA and multipath delay estimation: separable dimension subspace method," in Proc. 11th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Singapore, August 2001, pp. 504-507.
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, “A multi-microphone signal subspace approach for speech enhancement," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A., May 2001, vol. I, pp. 205-208.
- J. Mao, B. Champagne, M. O'Droma and K. Kwiat, “Separable dimension subspace method for joint signal frequencies, DOAs and sensor mutual coupling estimation,” in Proc. 34th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems & Computers., Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Oct. 2000, pp. 605--609.
- M. Biguesh, B. Champagne and S. Valaee, “A novel approach to array steering vector estimate improvement,” in Proc. 10th EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, Sept. 2000, Vol. III, pp. 1601-1604.
- M. Biguesh, S. Valaee and B. Champagne, “A new beamforming algorithm based on signal subspace eigenvectors,” in Proc. 10th IEEE Workshop on Statistical and Array Proc., Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Aug. 2000, pp. 444-447.
- F. Jabloun and B. Champagne, “A fast subband room response simulator,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000, vol. II, pp. 925-928.
- M. Biguesh, B. Champagne, S. Valaee, and M. H. Bastani, “A New Algorithm for Interference Reduction Using Reduced-Rank Method,” in Proc. 8th Iranian Conf. Electrical Eng., Tehran, Iran, May 2000, pp. 281-287 (in Persian).
- M. Biguesh, B. Champagne, S. Valaee and A. Stéphenne, “BER improvement in a TDMA/FDMA cellular system using antenna array,” in Proc. 33rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Oct. 1999, vol. 1, pp. 606-610.
- M. Ghanassi and B. Champagne, “On the fixed-point implementation of a subband acoustic echo canceller based on a modified FAP algorithm,” in Proc. 6th IEEE IWAENC, Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Sept. 1999, pp. 128-131.
- P. Pango and B. Champagne, “Subspace-based line and curve extraction from noisy images," in Proc. IEEE CCECE-99, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May. 1999, vol. 2, pp. 861-866.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, “Improving the performance of blind CDMA 2D-RAKE receivers with phase ambiguity and bit decision variable,” in Proc. 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 1998, pp. 1882-1886.
- B. Champagne and F. Caron, “On the use of the FNTF algorithm in subband acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. 1998 Canadian Acoustics Assoc., London, Ontario, Oct. 1998, pp. 30-31. (Invited paper)
- P. Pango and B. Champagne, “On the issue of rank estimation in subspace tracking: the NA-CSVD solution,” in Proc. 9th EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 1998, vol. 3, pp. 1773-1776.
- S. Valaee and B. Champagne, “Sufficient conditions for the unique localization of distributed sources,” in Proc. 9th EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 1998, vol. 3, pp. 1801-1804.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, “Convergence properties of blind algorithms for base station CDMA receivers,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., May 1998, pp. 3181-3184.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, “A new multi-path vector channel simulator for the performance evaluation of antenna array systems,” in Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Comm. (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 1997, pp. 1225-1229.
- Q.-G. Liu and B. Champagne, “Simple design of filter banks for subband adaptive filtering,” in Proc. 5th IEEE IWAENC, London, U.K., Sept. 1997, pp. 132-135.
- S. Valaee, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, “Sinusoidal signal detection using the minimum description length and the predictive stochastic complexity,” in Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Proc., Santorini, Greece, July 1997, pp. 1023-1026.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, “On the simulation of multi-path vectorial channels for the evaluation of antenna array systems,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE, St- John's, Newfoundland, May 1997, pp. 347-350.
- P. Pango and B. Champagne, “Accurate subspace-tracking algorithms based on cross-space properties,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP-97, Munich, Germany, April 1997, vol. 5, pp. 3833-3836.
- S. Valaee, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, “Using information theoretic techniques for sinusoidal signal resolution,” in Proc. 1997 Int. Conf. on Telecommunications (ICT), Melbourne, Australia, April 1997, pp. 1067-1072.
- S. Shahbazpanahi, S. Valaee, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, “Extended Source Localization using the ESPRIT Algorithm,” in Proc. ICT-97, Melbourne, Australia, April 1997, pp. 1033-1037.
- B. Champagne, “SVD-updating via constrained perturbations with applications to subspace tracking,” in Proc. 30th Asilomar Conf., Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A., Nov. 1996, pp. 1379-1385. (Invited paper)
- Q.-G. Liu and B. Champagne, “An adaptive ESPRIT algorithm based on perturbation of unsymmetrical matrices,” in Proc. 8th EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, Sept. 1996, pp. 539-542.
- Q.-G. Liu and B. Champagne, “On the use of a modified fast affine projection algorithm in subbands for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. 7th IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Loen, Norway, Sept. 1996, pp. 354-357.
- B. Champagne and Q.-G. Liu, “A new family of EVD tracking algorithms using Givens rotations," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.., May 1996, vol. V, pp. 2539-2542.
- B. Champagne, “Adaptive subspace tracking using a constrained linearization approach,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Network and Signal Processing, Nanjing, China, Dec. 1995, pp. 1083-1086. (Invited paper)
- S. D. Peters and B. Champagne, “Enhancing weak input modes for improved NLMS convergence,” in Proc. IEEE CCECE-95, Montreal, Quebec, Sept. 1995, pp. 949-952.
- Q.-G. Liu, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, “Room speech dereverberation via minimum-phase and all-pass component processing of multi-microphone signals,” in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada, May 1995, pp. 571-574.
- A. Stéphenne and B. Champagne, “Cepstral prefiltering for time delay estimation in reverberant environments,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., May 1995, pp. 3055-3058.
- S. Valaee, P. Kabal and B. Champagne, “A parametric approach for extended source localization,” in Proc. 7th EUSIPCO, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 1994, pp. 764-767.
- S. Bédard, B. Champagne and A. Stéphenne, “Effects of room reverberation on time-delay estimation performance,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Adelaide, Australia, April 1994, vol. II, pp. 261-264.
- S. Valaee, P. Kabal and B. Champagne, “Localization of distributed sources,” in Proc. 14th Gretsi Symposium on Signal and Image Processing, Juan les Pins, France, Sept. 1993, pp. 289-292.
- J. An and B. Champagne, “Adaptive beamforming via two-dimensional cosine transform,” in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada, May 1993, pp. 13-16.
- B. Champagne, “Source detection and DOA estimation from two observations of a finite line aperture,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., April 1993, vol. IV, pp. 61-64.
- B. Champagne, “DOA estimation from sensor array measurements taken at two distinct times,” in Proc. 6th IEEE SP Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Victoria, Canada, Oct. 1992, pp. 272 275.
- B. Champagne, “A new adaptive eigendecomposition algorithm based on a first-order perturbation criterion” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., March 1992, vol. V, pp. 409-412.
- A. Lobo, B. Champagne and P. Kabal, “On the use of a split-beam array for tracking a moving talker," presented at the 122nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., Nov. 1991 (Abstract).
- B. Champagne, A. Lobo and P. Kabal, “Efficient methods for simulating a moving talker in a rectangular room," in Proc. of the 1991 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York, U.S.A., Oct. 1991, Paper 7.1.
- B. Champagne, M. Eizenman and S. Pasupathy, “Maximum-likelihood estimation of time-varying delays in the presence of directional interference,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Toronto, Canada, May 1991, pp. 1269-1272.
- B. Champagne, “Adaptive signal-subspace processing based on first-order perturbation analysis," in Proc. 1991 IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada, May 1991, pp. 120-123.
- B. Champagne, M. Eizenman and S. Pasupathy, “Effects of directional interference on the estimation accuracy of time-varying delays,” in Proc. 1990 IASTED Intern. Conf. on Signal Processing and Digital Filtering, Lugano, Switzerland, June 1990, pp. 233-236.
- B. Champagne, M. Eizenman and S. Pasupathy, "Optimum space-time processing for semi-stationary signals in spatially correlated noise,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., April 1990, pp. 2879-2882.
- B. Champagne, M. Eizenman, S. Pasupathy, “Exact maximum likelihood time delay estimation,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Glasgow, Scotland, May 1989, pp. 2633-2636.