Evaluating The h-Parameters Of Feedforward Gain Stage ** Circuit Description ** * input port conditions I1 0 4 DC 0A AC 1A V2 1 0 DC 0V AC 0V * feedforward gain stage Rs 4 2 10k Ricm2 2 4 20Meg * amplifier Rid 2 3 100k Eamp 5 0 2 3 10k Ro 5 1 1k * load Rl 1 0 2k * feedback network input resistance R1i 3 0 1k R2i 3 0 1Meg Ricm2i 3 0 20Meg * feedback network output resistance R2o 1 30 1Meg R1o 30 0 1k Ricm2o 30 0 20Meg ** Analysis Requests ** .AC LIN 1 1Hz 1Hz ** Output Requests ** .PRINT AC Vm(4) Vp(4) Im(V2) Ip(V2) .end