The Effect Of DC Offsets On A Miller Integrator * op-amp subcircuits .subckt ideal_opamp 1 2 3 * connections: | | | * output | | * +ve input | * -ve input Iopen1 2 0 0A Iopen2 3 0 0A Eoutput 1 0 2 3 1e6 .ends ideal_opamp .subckt dc_opamp 1 2 3 * connections: | | | * output | | * +ve input | * -ve input IB1 4 0 DC 200nA IB2 3 0 DC 200nA IOS/2 3 4 DC 5nA VOS 4 2 DC 5mV Xdc_free_opamp 1 4 3 ideal_opamp .ends dc_opamp ** Main Circuit ** * inverting amplifier Vi 3 0 DC 0 Xopamp 1 0 2 dc_opamp R1 3 2 1k C2 2 1 10uF ** Analysis Requests ** .TRAN 500ms 10s 0s 500ms UIC ** Output Requests .PLOT TRAN V(1) .probe .end