A Pierce Crystal Oscillator ** Circuit Description ** * 3.579545Mhz color burst, AT cut, parallel resonant, Q=25000, .subckt colorburst_crystal 1 2 l 1 11 0.0555779237 IC=1uA cs 11 12 3.56169600e-014 r 12 2 50 cp 1 2 8.90424001e-012 .ends ** Main Circuit ** * power supplies Vdd 1 0 DC +5V * oscillator circuit Mp 2 3 1 1 pmos_transistor L=5u W=200u Mn 2 3 0 0 nmos_transistor L=5u W=100u Rf 2 3 10Meg R1 2 4 75k Xtal 3 4 colorburst_crystal C1 3 0 10pF IC=2.5V C2 4 0 10pF IC=2.5V * model statement .model pmos_transistor PMOS (kp=10u Vto=-1V lambda=0.04) .model nmos_transistor NMOS (kp=20u Vto=+1V lambda=0.04) ** Analysis Requests ** .options limpts=100000 itl5=0 opts numdgt=7 .width out=80 * use the DC bias point as the initial conditions for the oscillator .TRAN 20ns 20ms 0.0199972 20ns UIC .FOUR 3.579MegHz ** Output Requests ** .PRINT TRAN V(2) .end