Write-Up Guidelines


The methodology by which you will be evaluated and the format in which your assignments/reports must be submitted is as follows.


On the methodology by which you will be evaluated:


  1. 1.Presentation and organization are worth 10%, while content and discussions are worth 90%.

  2. 2.Provide simulation data (i.e. plots, tables) to substantiate and justify your claims and arguments. Do not provide a multitude of graphs that are meaningless or bear no relevance. Stick to the important stuff!

  3. 3.Discuss and analyze your results. Merely presenting the data is not sufficient.

  4. 4.Critique each of your designs (where appropriate), stating their advantages and disadvantages. In your critique, demonstrate that you understand your design. Do not go into lengthy discussions as to the functioning’s of each elemental block in your circuit (unless there is something you would like to point out). i.e. contribute something unique, do not regurgitate text books or class lectures.

  5. 5.Marks will be deducted for discussions and data that bear no relevance -- do not 'fill up space' in order to produce a lengthy report.

  6. 6.Be concise and to the point.


Preparations of Assignments/Reports:


All assignments and project reports must be prepared in an IEEE paper style consisting of a double-column single-space format, and must adhere to the following:

1.      Title page - Title of the assignment/project, authors' name, and course name.

2.      Abstract - Abstract of the assignment/project report.

3.      Introduction

4.      Main body of the assignment/project report.

  1. 5.     Figures should be drawn separately from the Cadence Schematic entry program.

  2. 6.     All plots should be mae with a white background so that the lines can be clearly seen.  A black background simply does not work.

6.      Conclusions

7.      References - list of the books, journal papers, conference papers, and other publications used in the report. References must be listed using IEEE reference styles. You need to take a look at IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I - Regular Papers and IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits for IEEE reference styles on books, journal papers, conference papers, and technical reports.

8.    Appendices


Further Concerns Related To Report Format:


  1. 1.All assignments & write-ups must be type-written, preferably using a software package such as Latex or Microsoft Word.

  2. 2.All graphs and plots (numbered and referenced appropriately of course) should be included in the body of the text, and should be in the appropriate location.

  3. 3.Organize your work logically and in a manner that flows

  4. 4.Follow the IEEE paper format - single-space text, double-columns per page.

  5. 5.Do not neglect to include your name and I.D# on the title page.

  6. 6.Run a spell/grammar check (please!).