ECSE 304-49x

Course Description


Project Supervisor:

Prof. Gordon W. Roberts, ENGMC Rm 516

Lecture Times:

None assigned

Tutorial Times:

None assigned

Course Outline:

ECSE 304-474 and 304-475: A laboratory design project undertaken with close supervision by a staff member. The project consists of defining an engineering problem, reviewing relevant background and literature, and seeking the solution through numerical simulation and/or experimental investigation. A literature review, written project proposal, and seminar presentation are required.

ECSE 304-498 and 304-499: A research thesis undertaken with close mentorship by a staff member and under the supervision of the course instructor. The thesis consists of defining an engineering problem, reviewing relevant background, acquiring/analyzing data, and seeking design solutions using appropriate simulation/analysis tools and experimental investigations.

Additional Information:

  (1) grading  (2) academic integrity (3) language of course