Gunter Mussbacher
Gunter Mussbacher
Associate Professor

INRIA International Chair (2021-2026)
William Dawson Scholar (2017-2027)
ITU Associate Rapporteur (2013-2021)

Office: MC 529
phone: +1 514-398-8974

Office Hours (in MC 529):
see announcement
on myCourses or
upon appointment

Research Interests

Publication indexes: [Google Scholar] [DBLP] [IEEE] [ACM] [ORCiD]

Important dates for RE'25 start in January 2025

Important dates for MODELS'25 start in March 2025

Professional Activities

In the fall of 2005, I started my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Daniel Amyot. Many years earlier, I studied as an undergraduate at the Technische Universität Graz in Austria, and received a MSc in Computer Science from Simon Fraser University in 1999. In the same year, I taught second year undergraduate courses in software engineering at Simon Fraser University. After spending almost two years in industry as a research engineer with Strategic Technology at Mitel Networks, I flung a backpack on my shoulders and donned the suit of my alter ego, the traveler, for a three-year travel adventure. Upon my return, I worked as a research engineer with Daniel Amyot and Murray Woodside in the six months leading up to my PhD studies. During the second half of my PhD studies, I taught a third year undergraduate course in software requirements analysis at the University of Ottawa. I completed my PhD studies on the Aspect-oriented User Requirements Notation in the fall of 2010. From the beginning of 2011 to mid 2013, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow with Dorina Petriu at Carleton University, Jörg Kienzle at McGill University, and Daniel Amyot at the University of Ottawa. In August 2013, I joined the Department of Electrial and Computer Engineering at McGill University where I now hold the position of associate professor.